Some tips to kill our blackheads!!!

Warm some honey and place it on trouble areas for 10 – 15 minutes. Wash off. Honey is a well known and effective method of removing blackheads from the skin.
Baking Soda & WaterCombine 3 tablespoons of baking soda with 3 tablespoons of water. Rub this solution on your skin for a few minutes, and rinse with warm water for effective blackhead extraction.

Lemon Juice

Use lemon juice directly from the lemon on areas affected with blackheads two to three times a day. The juice will help tighten your pores and make the environment of the face less prone to blackheads. Limes will work just as well if no lemons are available.

Rose & Oatmeal Mask

This treatment is great to get rid of the blackheads you already have and prevent future break outs. Mix oatmeal powder with rose water to make a paste. Spread the paste on your face with fingertips and allow it to sit for 15 minutes before rinsing. Focus on the T-zone and other problems areas like the chin. Rinse this blackhead removing mask off with cold water. The cold water closes the newly cleaned pores, protecting against future blackheads.


Grated raw potatoes can be used to treat all kinds of skin problems including pimples, wrinkles, whiteheads and blackheads. Pack potatoes directly on problem areas to extract blackheads.

Radish Seeds

A paste made out of ground radish seeds and water applied to the face right on the site of a blackhead is an effective blemish remover. Leave the paste on for about 15 minutes before rinsing with warm water.


A pimple starts when the pores in the skin become clogged with a type of oil called sebum, which normally lubricates the skin and hair. Acne is common during puberty when hormones go into overdrive, causing the skin to overproduce sebum. Because many oil-producing glands are on the forehead, nose, and chin, this area — the T-zone — is where a person is most prone to pimples.

here is some tips to take care of your acnes!

  • Wash your face twice a day (no more) with warm water and a mild soap made for people with acne. Gently massage your face with circular motions. Don’tscrub. Overwashing and scrubbing can cause skin to become irritated.
  • Don‘t pop pimples. It’s tempting, but here’s why you shouldn’t: Popping pimples can push infected material further into the skin, leading to more swelling and redness, and even scarring. If you notice a pimple coming before a big event, like the prom, a dermatologist can often treat it for you with less risk of scarring or infection.
  • Avoid touching your face with your fingers or leaning your face on objects that collect sebum and skin residue like your phone. Touching your face can spread the bacteria that cause pores to become inflamed and irritated. To keep bacteria at bay, wash your hands before applying anything to your face, such as treatment creams or makeup.
  • If you wear glasses or sunglasses, make sure you clean them frequently to keep oil from clogging the pores around your eyes and nose.
  • If you get acne on your body, try not to wear tight clothes. They don’t allow skin to breathe and may cause irritation. Scarves, headbands, and caps can collect dirt and oil, too.
  • Remove your makeup before you go to sleep. When buying makeup, make sure you choose brands that say “noncomedogenic” or “nonacnegenic” on the label. Throw away old makeup that smells or looks different from when you first bought it.
  • Keep hair clean and out of your face to prevent additional dirt and oil from clogging your pores.
  • Protect your skin from the sun. It may seem like a tan masks acne, but it’s only temporary. A tan may worsen your acne, not improve it. Tanning also causes damage to skin that will eventually lead to wrinkles and increase your risk of skin cancer


Just do it!

Exfoliation is the step most people skip in their weekly skincare routine. But trust me, if you start properly exfoliating your skin, you will notice an almost immediate difference. , one of the reasons men’s skin looks more youthful than women’s is because men tend to exfoliate daily when they shave.

Basiclly people don’t need to use moisture riser it depends on your skin .
You can use eye cream ,, it’s important too , if you are young you don’t need it otherwise , people use it for panda eye and prevent wrickles . The number 1 cause of wrickles is the sun damage.
 It’s important to use a sunscreen of at least 30 SPF from your early years on even in winter and on cloudy days. A great trick is to purchase two moisturizers: One for night and one for day that includes UV protection. Don’t use moisturizers with sunscreen at night, the ingredients are not meant to be used 27/7 and can aggravate skin.

Bored??Let’s do home masks!

Rules to follow before applying a face mask

1. Pull back hair, pin it up, tie it.

2. Clean your face before applying the mask

3. Always apply with fingertips. Apply it over the face.

4. Never apply the mask around the eye area. The eye area is very sensitive, so leave gaps underneath

5. Try to relax when you have put the mask on, try not to talk, and lie down. The best time to apply a mask is when you are soaking in a bathtub.

Here we got some basic home made masks :

– Egg White Mask: moisturizing and smoothing.Separate the egg yolk and egg white ,rinse the egg white to your face wait until it drys up. The egg yolk you can use it to do a hair mask with yogurt , honey and egg yolk.

-Oatmeal with yogurt: 1 spoon of natural yogurt and oatmeal.

-White sugar scrub with tomato:Sugar is a preferred exfoliant to salt because it tends not to tear at the skin. Cut off a piece of tomato , exfoliate with the the sugar.

-Banana honey : mix a banana with 1spoon of honey .Leave it on the face till the skin absorbs it thoroughly and dries completely on the face .

-Avocado : cut a half avocado and apply.


Treating your skin is very important .
First step is to find a cleanser to fit your face , there is oily, dry and combined( oily on the T zone) I suggest you take the “skin test.” Wash your face, pat it dry, then take a few pieces of rice paper or lens-cleaning tissue paper and press on different spots on your face. If your skin is oily, the paper will stick, pick up oily spots and become translucent. If the paper doesn’t stick or pick up any oily spots, your skin is dry. If it sticks in your t-zone (forehead, nose and chin) then you have combination (or normal) skin. About 70 percent of women have combination skin.

Type 1: Oily Oily skin tends to shiny with enlarged pores, and is prone to blackheads and blemishes. You might experience some tightness.

Type 2: Combination/normal This skin type has medium pores, a smooth and even texture, good circulation, healthy color, may tend toward dryness on the cheeks while being oily in the t-zone.

Type 3: Sensitive Sensitive skin tends to be thin, delicate with fine pores. It flushes easily, is prone to broken capillaries, is frequently allergic and can be rashy.

Type 4: Dry Dry skin feels tight, especially after cleansing. You have a tendency towards fine wrinkles, flaking and red patches. In women of color, skin may appear ashy or dull from dead skin buildup.

Type 5: Aging or sun-damaged This skin also feels tight with visible wrinkles, slack skin tone — especially around the cheeks and jawline — with leathery texture and broken capillaries.